Pay Your Dues Online
Pay your American Legion dues online:
Dues are based upon an annual basis but notifications are sent out in July of the current year for next year’s dues. Currently your annual dues are $50 per year. Of that, $23.50 goes to the American Legion and $15.00 goes to the Department of California. That leaves only $11.50 for your local post for all of their administrative functions such as insurance, rent, etc… FYI, the American Legion National Organization has raised their portion of the dues by $5.00 in 2024 for the 2025 dues. That is why Post 233 raised it’s due to $50 to cover the increase in dues from National Headquarters for 2025
Depending upon how your computer is set up and if you usually do online transactions, the first option you will see after clicking on the Donate or the Pay Now buttons below, will be to pay with PayPal. Below the PayPal payment option, you will usually see a line indicating that you can pay with your credit or debit card. Most people will select this option. If you have used PayPal before, on your computer, it may even list the various credit or debit cards you have used in the past. If that is what you see, you can select the one you want or add a new one to make your donation or purchase.
Just enter your name and click the Pay Now button below and follow the prompts to pay your dues online.